Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 1 - Conversation

He: Why the title "Off the fence"?
Me: I have been on the fence about the whole idea of blogging. Now I am off the fence and decided to step into this world of blogging. 

He: What is the issue with blogging?
Me: I am not comfortable about letting the whole world know about everything in my life. 

He: What convinced you?
Me: The fact that I control what I publish made me feel comfortable about this whole activity. 

He: Does that mean you are going to publish esoteric posts that lack emotion and remain detached from reality?
Me: Firstly, a post being esoteric or not is up to the reader to decide. As far as the reality part is concerned, yes I will try and keep it close to reality as creatively possible. 

He: Will you be a regular in this blogging circuit now? 
Me: May be, may be not. Only time will tell. Thanks for helping me out with my first post by asking "meaningful" questions. 
He: You are welcome. I want to see what you come up with on Day 2. 


  1. Welcome to this world dear....Hope u have fun and make a lot of good friends...

  2. the questions were asked by yourself or by some one else ? anyway i enjoyed these questions.. as they are questions which haunted few many years back... here i'm still keeping my blog alive with irregular updates.. one thing is for sure, i'm never comfortable in updating my personal emotions.. that's why i hide it and send it through my stories :).. happy blogging...

  3. @U: Thanks for your wishes
    @DT: Yes it was asked by the insecure part of me and answered by the adventurous part of me.


Children of the Purple

...Please make a legal u turn ahead Please make a u turn now Please take the next right turn Right turn ahead... It goes on and o...